Professional photography for company events, meetings and conferences. Our longtime experience make us your perfect partner for professional event photography. We cover each event from different angles, with a lifestyle and natural style; capturing each and every moment, while adapting our results to the specific needs of our clients


Photography for company events, fairs and conferences. With this type of work, getting the most detailed report possible is of the utmost importance. We cover each event from numerous different angles, with a refreshing, natural style; capturing each and every moment, while adapting our results to the specific needs of our clients.


Photography for events, conferences and meetings

A conference, product presentation, a press meeting or a company dinner; any event is an opportunity for a photo report that shows you the personality and character of your business, with exceptional images for social media, website, press or for client distribution

Gallery of events photography in Barcelona

Event photography

Whatever the event you have in mind, whether a trade fair, a press conference or a team-building activity, we will cover your event and we will create hte pictures that you are looking for.

Meeting photography

Professional photoshoots for meetings and conferences in Barcelona. We are specialists in conference photography, covering meetings and events for companies and brands

Product presentation photography

Are you launching a new product onto the market? Thinking about presenting a new brand? We’ll help your business to get the images you need for a successful presentation.

Let’s talk about your project

T. 647 720 650


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